agyaat jagah example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Loneliness and its evocation play a major role in the work of Edgü: his characters, confused by the unknown of life, end up suffering as it is 2. SPACE (CONQUEST OF) - The first space programs Scientific research, exploration of the unknown and the development of human survival in space were the main goals of the first national space programs 3. The error is essential to humanity, it is an element of progress and discovery; which eliminates the error eliminates research, this provocation in the unknown and the unexpected, something foreign to whom we provide the means to intervene 4. The lure of the unknown Because the material means (transport in particular) have evolved slowly, vast regions (Siberia, Western China, Australia, Africa) remain almost unknown in the mid nineteenth century 5. ] The form ! It is still unknown for us at half; it comes, goes "(Montherlant)Given are the examples of hindi word agyaat jagah usage in english sentences. The examples of agyaat jagah are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., the unknown, unknown.
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